Tuesday Oct 15th:
I don't know how P-days were so busy in the past. We always seemed to be running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to do everything but today we had 3 hours to just sit around and relax. Nothing to exciting but it was definitely a good day.
Wednesday Oct 16th:
Well today was an interesting day. Last night I aked Elder Hudson if he had ever had a day where he was able to keep all the plans they had made for a day. Well I learned to never ask that again because today nothing we planned happened the way we hoped. I have never felt like there was nothing to do until today because we tried so many things and none of it worked out. However, we had one plan that worked out with Julia, and we were able to set her on date for baptism. Hopefully, it works out this time and she doesn't get scared like last time.
Thursday Oct 17th:
Today was weekly planning day and we didn't end up leaving the house until 6 because we had a lot to plan since we just finished our first full week and he now knows the people we are teaching. Tonight we had a cool experience though. So I always carry consecrated oil with me because I never know when I'm going to have to give a blessing but since we left late I almsot didn't bring it but for some reason I decided to grab it anywys. At 8 we got a text from Kyle saying that Jacee was in the hospital and needed a blessing because something was wrong with her apendix. We were able to be there within 5 minutes and if I hadn't been prepared we wouldn't have been there as quickly.
Friday Oct 18th:
This morning Kyle texted us to tell us how Jacee was doing. The doctors said she is one of the luckiest people they have ever seen. Her appendix had become so swollen and burst and did no damage to any other organs. It easily could have killed her but instead she is going to have a short recovery. Kyle says he believes with all his heart that she was okay because of the blessing and I'm so glad I was able to be a part of it.
Tonight was awesome! We were able to teach Jill tonight and had an awesome lesson! She has a 22 month old daughter who is awesome now that she isn't scared of us and shy anymore. We were able to teach her the Plan of Salvation and she seemed to really understand it. She didn't ask questions or show concerns like most people because of how different it is. But she doesn't really have a lot of knowledge so she wasn't really set in any belief which made it easier. At the end we were able to set her on date too though which was awesome! Hopefully we will be having two baptisms in November at this point.
Saturday Oct 19th- Sunday Oct 20th:
This weekend was Stake Conference so we were in Huntington, West Virginia for most of the weekend so we didn't really teach many lessons. But the conference was awesome! The entire confence was focused on the work of salvation. President and Sister Pitt both gave talks and there were 3 things I really liked that they said where the members can be more involved. The first was the fact that missionary work is not a part of our church but a part of our lifes. We are all life-time missionaries and we don't have to be serving as full-time missionaries to be doing missionary work. It should be a part of are lives and who we are. The second was the invitation for every member to pray for a missionary momentDAILY! It doesn't always have to be sharing the gospel or teaching which leads into my last point I liked. "Come and see." We should be open to inviting others to "come and see" who we are, what we do, how we live. One of the best ways to be a missionary is to be an example in the way we act, and the way we live. Missionary work was never meant to be hard. It isn't supposed to be hard. We have the Lord on our side to help us. He is always there to lift us up or give us a helping hand when we are doing his work!
"It is impossible to fail when you do your best when you are on the Lord's errand." -Elder M. Russel Ballard
I love you all! Keep the faith! Your Father in Heaven loves you!
Elder Ryan Carter
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